Use Presets
Select a preset report format: None, set options below. Daily (Z-A) Daily (Z-A) w/o Bots Hourly (Z-A) Hourly (Z-A) w/o Bots Request URI Request URI w/o Bots HTTP Referer
Sort Keys
Reverse output sort order? ♦ Sort by counts instead of keys?
Filter by Client Type
Filter using CLIENT strings? Use pre-defined 'bot' strings? Return only matching clients instead of filtering them out?
Enter client strings — one per line. echo mkTextarea('client_list', '', '4', '60', 1); ?>
Filter by IP Address
Filter using specific IP addresses? Return only matching addresses instead of filtering them out?
Enter IP addresses — one per line. echo mkTextarea('ipaddr_list', '', '4', '60', 1); ?>
Filter by Page ID
Filter using page ID strings? Return only matching page IDs instead of filtering them out?
Enter page ID strings — one per line. echo mkTextarea('pageid_list', '', '4', '60', 1); ?>
Filter by Request URI
Filter using request URI strings? Return only matching request URIs instead of filtering them out?
Enter request URI strings — one per line. echo mkTextarea('request_list', '', '4', '60', 1); ?>
Filter by HTTP Referer
Filter using HTTP referer strings? Return only matching HTTP referers instead of filtering them out?
Enter HTTP referer strings — one per line. echo mkTextarea('referer_list', '', '4', '60', 1); ?>
Filter by Date Range
Enter min/max dates below — use yyyy-mm-dd format. Min: Max: Return only dates NOT in the specified range?
Filter by IP Range
Enter min/max IP addresses below — use aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd format. Min: Max: Return only addresses NOT in the specified range?
Raw Data
Dump the array definition needed to create a preset? Dump internal data at end of report? Include raw data records? Dump raw data records (no internal data) at end of report?
Submit Request
Include visual comparison of relative count values? Compress the output (no blank line between items)?